March 20, 2020 Warrior


I address this message to those who had a vision or a promise from the Lord about their ministry or personal life; however, not only it has not been fulfilled, but everything has become even worse.


In 1992, I had a dream. Obviously, it was prophetic. I don’t remember the month, but this dream is so fresh in my memory as if I’ve had it today.


There was a three-floored building in front of me. It was dark all around; there was no light in the building, and it seemed to be empty. I wanted to go in, but there were obstacles. With effort, I overcame the obstacles and entered the building. I went to the second floor. Suddenly the lights of the building were on. There was a big hall in front of me full of children of different ages. All the children were in rags, with sooty faces and hunger in their eyes. Somehow, I had a basket full of bread in my hand. I started to give that bread to the children who ran to me. They were shouting, “Gayane came! She brought light and bread!” I told this dream to the Pastor of our Church. With a calm voice peculiar to him, he said, “If you saw it, it will happen.”


At that time, the Church did not have its own facility. For the Church services and administrative work, we used to rent different facilities on a regular basis.  


At the end of the 90s, when because of unemployment or political and social problems, many were leaving the country, the Word of Life Church in Yerevan purchased a half-constructed structure with their offerings. With great joy, the members of the Church came together for the construction of the Church building by giving everything they had – money or jewelry. One believer even gave his car, another one sold his land and house and gave a substantial part of the money for the construction of the building.


After some time, the Church started to have meetings there. Later, when the Church grew, that building was turned into an office facility, and the Church constructed a new building for the meetings.


In 1992, when I saw that prophetic dream, the Social Ministry rented a one-bedroom flat, where all the social work was done. We had a kitchen, where we prepared canned goods and dried fruits and vegetables. However, that place was too small; because of the war in Karabakh, earthquake in Spitak, blockade of the country and rampant unemployment, there were too many needy people.


The more I thought that soon the prophetic vision would come true, the more the dream of having our own facility seemed impossible. There were people who donated large sums of money for us to acquire a facility for the Social Ministry. However, each time, the Holy Spirit led me to give those donations for the construction of the Office building of the Church. I obeyed and did it.


All the active ministries in the Church had already received their own rooms, but the Social Ministry was still “wandering” around in rented facilities, which were in unfavorable conditions. From time to time, police came and demanded documents asking who we were and what right we had to use the facility. When they saw that we fed socially deprived and orphaned children, helped them to prepare their lessons, supported physically challenged people and lonely elderly, they were amazed. The Word of Life Church was slandered so much that they could not believe their eyes. Only the Lord knows how many times I was taken to police stations…


It was still nothing; there was something worse. When the children who lived next to our rented place learned why children came to us, they mocked them. Sometimes they peed or pooped in front of the entrance door. Our Ministry Team members cleaned all that quickly, so that none of the children saw it.


From time to time, I used to ask my friends for a place for 2-3 hours to have an event, but my requests were always denied for “justified reasons”.


In 2015, in one of the facilities that belonged to the Church, the Social Ministry temporarily received a big kitchen and seven rooms. This eased the situation to the extent that persecutions stopped, but the rooms were half-ruined and inconvenient. Pastor promised that the first floor of that building would be completely renovated and given to the Social Ministry. I was glad for it, but I also knew that it was not enough for doing the work of the Social Ministry in a full measure. And a day came, when they asked us to leave the facility.


I no longer thought about the dream I had, because from the year of 2000, year by year, we had been doing more and more to help vulnerable and socially insecure children, wandering street children and orphans. I thought that the dream had already been fulfilled, but not on the second floor of a three-floored building, as I dreamed.


And so, in several days, we needed to leave seven of the rooms and still wait for the renovation of the first floor promised to us. We had no choice but to return to the unpleasant lifestyle of renting. I was so tired, not only of moving from a place to a place, visits of the police, and unfriendly attitude of the people around, but of endlessly renovating the rented places. I am grateful to my assistants, who without complaining renovated, cleaned, furnished and created wonderful conditions in the rented facilities to make them comfortable for the children. But I was tired, so much tired of it, and I no longer wanted to return to that lifestyle.


Suddenly I realized that I had never asked the Lord – the God Who created the universe – why the problem of the Social Ministry office building had not been solved so far. In May 21, 2017, I fasted, I humbled myself before the Lord and started to pray with a broken heart, “Lord, I am so grateful that in my personal life, I am secure and my needs are fully met. You have given me whatever I asked – flats, cars, unforgettable vacations in the countries I dreamed to be, opportunities to receive a higher education in the universities, in which many around the world only dream of studying.” I recounted everything that I had received from the Lord, both material and spiritual blessings, and expressed my gratitude to Him.


Then I asked why the Social Ministry had not had its own facility so far. “Lord, I am Yours; “Go and See…” Social Ministry was born by You and grew through You, and we were fulfilling the vision, which You gave us. Only You could give so many volunteers in the Ministry. The orphaned children, the needy and the broken are Yours… So why don’t You give a special place to solve the problems of these people according to Your heart’s desire?”


The torrent of questions continued, and the Lord was silent. I thought maybe I had made a mistake somewhere. I remembered that I received donations to acquire an appropriate facility several times, but each time I gave it for the construction of the Church Office building, convinced that it was what God wanted. I started to ask the Lord to forgive me for being a poor steward; because of me, the whole Ministry was left without a facility they would have now. I was weeping and repenting. I reminded the Lord about all the persecutions we had received from policemen and neighbors. I recited all the instances, when I asked my friends for a place for 2-3 hours, but did not receive it. Then I asked the Lord, for the love of the orphaned children, to give them a permanent place.


Evening was coming. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit spoke, “Throw away your garment of self-pity!” My eyes opened; I clearly saw that the Lord was aware of everything, and I did not need to remain in self-pity. It was He who directed me to give all those donations for the construction of the Church Office building, and I was not a poor steward at all.


I was so happy! The Holy Spirit spoke again. He wanted me to check my heart, whether there was bitterness and offense in it, especially toward my friends who denied my requests. I understood how offended I was. I began to ask the Lord to heal my inner person. Praise God for His mercy and abundant grace! During prayer, I could feel how my heart received healing. The Holy Spirit kept speaking. I was writing everything down.


While writing, I understood that the next day, the Lord would give the Social Ministry a permanent facility. And not only the facility, but also a necessary funding to reconstruct it according to the requirements of the Ministry. Even in my wildest dreams, I could not guess what facility it would be, but I was sure that we would receive it the very next day. Very quickly, I wrote down everything that the Holy Spirit said and sent it to David, one of my Ministry assistants, asking him to post it on my blog. I told him, “Tomorrow the Social Ministry will have a facility. Please post this on my blog today, so that later no one can question who has given it to us. The mighty Lord of the orphans and the homeless, the Living God has promised it to us.”


Next morning, we received that facility.


In the next article, in Part Five, I will tell about it in detail. But before that, please read my article entitled “Victorious Love” (22 May 2017), in which I wrote everything the Lord spoke to me that evening.

Տեսնել: ArmenianRussian
